In the green hills of Akureyri overlooking the Municipal Library lays a house with an exciting history and a unique atmosphere of the 60’s. Built in 1944 by one of Iceland’s most loved poet and writer, Davíð Stefánsson, who lived there until he died in 1964.
Davíð had a taste for the finer things in life and was an enthusiastic collector of art and books. His apartment is a testament to his taste, full of books, art collection and other personal articles, just as he left them in 1964. It is almost as if he is returning in a few minutes.
Davíð Stefánsson (1895-1964) first book of poetry, Svartar Fjaðrir (Black Feathers) was published in 1919. It was accorded immediate acclaim and established the young author’s reputation. His poems captured the feelings and longings of the general public in a crisp clear and picturesque writing. Perhaps being more an author of human nature rather than human society. His subsequent books of poetry further enhanced him as publicly acclaimed poet. Music has been written to his lyrics which are among the most sung songs both by musicians and the general public.
Stefánssons volumes of work include 14 books of poetry, four plays, a novel and a book of essays. His reputation flew further than the shores of Iceland. His work was widely recognized and honored in the Scandinavian countries.
Stefánssons house is now a museum with a residence for writers and scholars.
Akureyri Museum, Nonni's house, Industrial Museum: Daily 11-17 / Winter: 1. October - 31. May - Daily 13-16
Akureyri Toy Museum: Summer: 1. June - 1. September - Daily kl. 11-17
Laufás: Summer: 1. June - 15. September - Daily 11-17
Lokað/Closed 24-26, 31. December and 1. January.
Open for groups all year.